Int. Conference On: Islamic Historical Theology (IHT)

Int. Conference On:
Islamic Historical Theology (IHT)
as a link between Local (Muslims) and Orientalists
Nov. 5-6, 2024
with the participation of:
DFDS: Discussion Forum on Divine Scriptures
IQP: Independent Int. Parliament of the Holy Qur'an
QSCT: Int. Scientific-Cultural Quranic Tourism
In person and virtual
University of Tehran, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Abstracts Deadline: Sep.5, 2024
Announcement of accepted articles: Sep.23, 2024
Full articles Deadline: Oct.21, 2024
Submit articles:
IHT Int. Con. themes:
Conceptual and theoretical framework of IHT
Exegetical basics of IHT
Historical foundations of IHT
Local (Muslims) basics and Methodology of IHT
Oriental basics and Methodology of IHT
IHT Aims:
Historical theology more than a theological field, is a historical discipline. The early origins of historical theology refer to the historical study of Christian doctrine and the history of the church. The function of historical theology is to show the origins of the development of beliefs that exist in the present age and to help contemporary theologians identify the entered theological errors that should be avoided.
In Islamic studies, a historical approach to the Exegesis of holy Qur’an (Tafsir), Hadith and Sirah, has been very prominent in the last decade, especially by the Orientalists which allows us to use the term “Historical theology” instead of the term “Orientalism”. “Islamic Historical Theology” (IHT) includes that aspect of Islamic sciences that is somehow related to history. For example, in the Qur'anic Studies, with the history of the Qur'an, in the Hadith studies with the history of hadith, in Islamic Theology with the history of theology, in the field of the Qur'an Exegesis, with the history of Exegesis, and in the study of Life of the Prophet (pbuh) and his household, we are also faced with the history. Therefore IHT, is connected with Islamic texts and the Holy Quran in all its aspects. The history of Qur'an and hadith, occasion of revelation, Hadith dating, Qur’anic historical verses, history of prophets and past nations, and Hermeneutics and historical cognition are examples of the diversity of these links.
Finally, IHT is actually trying to analyze the historical aspects of Islamic sciences as well as the Islamic historical arguments. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to accept the identity of IHT, and in the next step, establish and explain its methodology to make the Local and orientalists’ relation, more clear and stronger. Anyway, IHT is an important Interdisciplinary in Islamic studies, although it is delicate and complex. Maybe this conference can be a step towards shaping the identity of IHT.
DFDS Conferences:
- 1st (DFDS2018): Scriptural Hermeneutics and Exegesis, University of Paderborn, Germany, Nov. 16-17, 2018
- 2end (DFDS2021): Spring 2021 Series of Meetings, University of Tehran, I.R. Iran, May 19-June 16, 2021.
- 3rd (DFDS2023): Int. con. on the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible, The World Religions World Church Program (Notre Dame), USA, 17 May 2023.
- 4th (DFDS2024): Islamic Historical Theology (IHT) as a link between local (Muslims) and Orientalists, IQP: Independent Int. Parliament of the Holy Qur'an, Nov. 5-6, 2024.
IHT Publications:
- The Historical Methodology in Qur’anic Studies (2014) welcomed by Prof. Sadegh Aeeineh Vand and Prof. Angelika Neuwirth, (leading scholar of Qur'anic studies at the Freie Universität Berlin)
- Hadith Studies and Historical philology, launched by Prof. Angelika Neuwirth and Prof. Klaus Von Stosch at Paderborn University. (2018)
- Islamic Historical Theology (IHT) between Local (Muslims) and Orientalists. (Under work)
? IHT Int. Con. website address:
Ind. Int. Quranic Parliament (IQP)
تاریخ درج: 1403/5/3