﷽ مَا يُقَالُ لَكَ إِلَّا مَا قَدْ قِيلَ لِلرُّسُلِ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ ۚ

The Ind. Int. Qur’anic Parliament (IQP)



 Established in 2023, “The Independent International Qur’anic Parliament” (I.Q.P.) is a Scientific-Cultural parliament founded upon the suggestion of Qur'anic activists from different countries. IQP will be active in all activities regarding to the holy Qur’an especially academic and cultural affairs. IQP tries to bring together a wide and comprehensive group of Quranic thinkers and Quranic activists from around the world. The central council of the I.Q.P. consists of fifty Quranic activists includes Muslim and Non-Muslim professors and intellectuals. This parliament, consisting of over 200 seats from more than 100 countries, will oversee all matters related to the Holy Quran in four main areas (Deputies): 1) Qur’anic Academic Sciences, 2) Qur’anic Arts, Hifz(memorization) & recitation, 3) Culture & Communication and 4) Qur’anic Scientific-Cultural Tourism (QSCT). The annual assembly of this parliament will be held in one of the Islamic countries


 The aims of I.Q.P
The most important aims of I.Q.P. are as follow

 To form a united Quranic activist specially in a Scientific-Cultural approach and establish the Unity of the Qur’anic Scholars from all Islamic sects and also among the western Qur’anic scholars
To appropriately introduce Holy Qur’an and defend the Qur’an and Islamic teachings and the common heritage of Muslims in a logical and scientific manner
 To provide the conditions for Quranic activists and cultural exchanges among scientific and academic centers and Qur’anic professors
 To support effective and purposeful scientific and cultural activities of Qur’anic professors
 To ensure coordination among Qur’anic activities, professors, groups and NGOs associated with I.Q.P. objectives
 To expand interdisciplinary Qur’anic sciences
 To identify the capability of Qur’anic scholars and to organize and support their scientific researches in universities all over the world
 To pave the way for scientific and research exchanges between Qur’anic scholars in order to extend and deepen the scientific capabilities of universities in order to promote the development of Qur’anic culture
 To extend non-governmental scientific and research contributions towards forming Qur’anic culture
 To ensure the interaction and cooperation among universities and research-related centers in Qur’anic/Islamic countries
 To provide for the spiritual and material growth of Muslims
 To reduce prejudice, dogmatism and violence among the Islamic sects and to emphasize modernism, tolerance, rationality, closeness of religions, as well as Islamic convergence and unity


 The structure of I.Q.P

Board of Trustees

General Assembly

Four Deputies

Executive Director

General Assembly
The General Assembly is the most comprehensive pillar of the I.Q.P. consisting of all the members. The general Assembly shall convene once every year upon the invitation of the head of the General Assembly. The objectives of this meeting will be the following
Selecting the head of the Assembly
Hearing the reports of the Board of Trustees
Setting its annual agenda in order to hold meetings and reach the related objectives

 Each country, in proportion to its population, will have a minimum of 3 seats in the I.Q.P. General Assembly as follows

Group 1: Candidates for the academic and research division comprising university faculty members specializing in Islamic studies and the Holy Quran

Group 2: Candidates for the Qur'anic Arts, Hifz(memorization) & recitation division (who have achieved a rank in international competitions)

Group 3: Candidates for Qur’anic-Cultural Activists



 Deputies of IQP

A) IQP Deputy of Qur'anic Academic Sciences

Performing A Reference and Global Exegesis of Holy Qur'an (GEQ)

Creating a communication network between Quranic scientific centers

To establish theorizing chairs Qur’anic scholars

Providing international Quranic scholarships

Supporting interdisciplinary Quranic research

Establishing an index for publications related to Quranic research

  B) IQP Deputy of Qur'anic Art, Hifz and Recitation of Holy Qur'an

Establishing a communication network among memorizers and reciters of the Holy Quran worldwide

Supporting memorizers and reciters of the Quran and granting scholarships

  C) IQP Deputy of Culture and Communication

Developing Quranic Culture on an international scale through art and media

Defending the sanctity of the Holy Quran against doubts and disrespect

Establishing connections with international organizations and institutions such as the Islamic Conference Organization, Union of Islamic Universities, etc

D) IQP Deputy of Qur’anic Scientific-Cultural Tourism (QSCT)

Strengthening Scientific-Cultural diplomacy in the field of Qur’anic activities

Establishing a communication network among Quranic centers to provide the opportunities for International Scientific-Cultural Qur’anic visitors

Supporting the Academic-Cultural Tourists and exchanges in the fields of

Qur’anic conferences

Delivering Qur’anic lectures

Meeting with the Qur’anic figures

Visiting the Qur’anic Tourist centers

Qur'anic Scholarship


 IQP membership requirements

 Being a faculty member in a University or research inst. or Cultural Islamic/Qur’anic Center and selected among the best Qur’anic Activists in that region

 A committee selected by the I.Q.P. Board of Trustees will decide whether a person is qualified to become a member or not
 The applicant for membership must abide by the I.Q.P. aims and show effective efforts to reach them
 The applicant must have good will and appropriate social status
 The majority of the Board of Trustees members present should vote in favor of, and confirm, this membership

     IQP Regional Groups

1African work Group

2Arabian work Group

3America, Canada work Group

4East Asia work Group

5West Asia work Group

6European work Group