prof. von Stosch and Prof. Angelika Neuwirth in Workshop on Scriptural Hermeneutics

At the kind invitation of Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK), the Workshop on Scriptural Hermeneutics and Exegesis was held in Paderborn University on 16-17 November 2018 under the high patronage of the Dean of Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK), Prof. Klaus Von Stosch. This workshop was attended by Professors from Germany and Iran. These scholars are based at the most prestigious universities in Germany and Iran. Prof. Klaus Von Stosch(University of Paderborn), welcomed all the participants on opening ceremony and highlighted ‘Academic discussions on "Scriptural Hermeneutics and Exegesis" in his greetings while he made his Introduction to the conference. He described the workshop as an impressive gathering of Muslim- Western scholars, who continue to grapple with the ever evolving issue of Exegesis and Scriptural Hermeneutics.
In the Keynote for the conference, Prof. Dr. Angelika Neuwirth (Free University of Berlin), praised prof. von stosch for ongoing workshop and spoke about the historical exegesis of the Suras of the Middle Meccan era. Angelika Neuwirth, Director of the research project, Corpus Coranicum, a textual documentation and historical-critical commentary on the Koran at the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften, interprets the Koran as a text of Late Antiquity, an epoch which was also decisive in European cultural history. The Koran can thereby be recognized as a familiar text that could easily form part of “European heritage”, were it not for its division from unbiased perception by ancient prejudices.
Also the recently published book of Mohammad Hasan Ahmadi (University of Tehran), has been launched by Professor Angelika Neuwirth. This workshop was scheduled within 4 panels during 2 days. The first panel started by Prof. Mohammad Hasan Ahmadi, University of Tehran with: The Muslim Commentators Reading of the Qur'anic verse 5,13. The second paper titled: The Virgin Mary in Scripture, Tradition and History. A test case for historical methodology presented by Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Weidemann, Universität Siegen.
In panel 2; first Prof. Dr. Muhammad-Kazem Shaker, Allameh Tabataba’i University: spoke about "Philosophy of Polysemy in Biblical and Qur'anic Exegesis" which followed by Prof. Dr. Egbert Ballhorn, Technical University of Dortmund with his paper on: Polysemy in Old Testament Exegesis.
The third Panel started by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Karimi, Imam Sadiq University: Figurative Language in the Qur'an and the Bible. The second present of panel was continued by Prof. Dr. Christiane Tietz, University of Zurich: What does the 'the scripture alone' of the reformers mean today?
Finally panel 4, opened by Prof. Dr. Seyyed Reza Moaddab, Qom Unversity and Prof. Mohammad Hasan ahmadi with "Holy texts; between Authenticity and Philology". The last presenter Prof. Dr. Maria Neubrand, Theological Faculty Paderborn and Prof. Dr. Johannes Seidel S.J., University of Paderborn spoke on :"Exegesis of the New Testament and Christian Anti-Judaism" This International Conference which was co-organised by Zentrum für Komparative Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften (ZeKK), University of Tehran: College of Farabi, took place from 16-17 November 2018, in paderborn. The aim of this conference was to discuss on Scriptural Hermeneutics and Exegesis of the holly Texts.
تاریخ درج: 1398/12/28